Monday, January 15, 2018

Seasons of Life

Having grown up in northern Michigan, I know a thing or two about seasons. We're talking literal seasons here: spring, summer, winter, and fall. I experienced four very distinct seasons for much of my life. With each season came new weather, things to look forward to, and things like below zero temperatures that you could do without in your life. Each changing season brought new challenges, joys, and difficulties. This isn't much different than the "seasons" we experience going through life.

Much like the weather changing with each season, life has seasons of change too. It's still a learning process for me, but over the years, and a couple of moves cross country, (to much warmer climates than Michigan and Colorado) I'm slowly learning to embrace each season and what it brings. Emphasis on slowly. Call me stubborn, but I tend to learn things best the hard way.

me through many seasons

People are notorious for looking forward to the next best thing. Or is that just me? When you're in high school, you're excited about going off to college. In college you can't help but think about where you career will take you. While working a 9-5 job you can't help but think about being married and having your own family. Being a new mom, you wonder if your children will ever learn to sleep so you can too. When does the looking forward stop? I know I've not always been the best at being present and enjoying the season of life we're in at the moment. I believe that being present and enjoying every moment, good or bad, is a learned skill. Yes, I think some people are naturally better than others at being grateful and present, but I think it's something everyone can do with a conscious effort. I'm hoping this blog, and the reflecting and writing that goes along with it, will help me be more present and grateful for each season of life.

this life season is called "why is there always someone not looking at the camera?!"

Becoming a mother has been the most crazy, frustrating, exhausting, beautiful, amazing, and rewarding experience of my life so far. There isn't a manual, that I'm aware of, that tells you how to get through all of the crazy ups and downs that parenthood throws at you. Being a mom has been such a learning experience for me, because you go through so many different seasons so quickly. You're forced to adapt, learn, and grow in such a short amount of time when it comes to your children. They're going through seasons so quickly themselves. Growing up, I always loved learning. The funny thing is, life itself has made me a lifelong student... just not in the way I had originally planned. Life has a funny way of doing that.

Having lived all over the country and experiencing seasons ranging from bitter cold winters in Michigan to the hottest of summers in Arizona, I can say that each place has its pros and cons. There were times when I was frustrated with the unpredictable Colorado springtime. One day was sunny & 70 degrees the next you had 2 feet of snow on the ground. The Florida humidity made me feel hot, sweaty, and suffocated at times. The Michigan winters were long, grey, and frigid. Summertime in Arizona is a test of faith at times. Ha! That being said, all of these places have beautiful moments as well. Each place we've lived has shaped me into who I am today. Each season has taught me to look for the positive, because there will always be negative. Life is too short to focus on the negative part of each season when each season also holds such beauty.

Sometimes you have to go through winter to appreciate summer.

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